Just when we thought nothing further would be said concerning anti-pope Bergoglio being “pope,” here comes the craziest of them all.

The Tradition in Action website ( has done it again! The most lame-brain excuse was given to a reader about why so-called “Pope” Francis is the “pope” of the Church. On February 22, 2023 we came across this post on Tradition in Action website in their “What People are Commenting” section. A viewer/reader of their website asks, “Is Bergoglio an anti-pope?”

Now before we get to TIA;s answer to that question, it should be noted that this website does a lot of good in exposing what the Novus Ordo sect is up to and their cultural information is excellent. However, when it comes to the Papacy, their thinking is a theological “train wreck.” So here is their answer.

Since the reader asking the question also mentioned Benedict XVI as being the “pope” – the Correspondence Staff answered that part first taking 4 points to do so. Since Ratzinger is also an anti-pope and that’s not the purpose of this article, we will confine this to just Bergoglio which TIA answered in points 5 and 6. Here’s TIA’s answer:

“We do not think the Chair of Peter is vacant. We sustain that since the death of Pius XII it has been usurped by Progressivism. We do not consider Pope Francis as an anti-pope. However, he may be an Anti-Christ, to use the words of Our Lady of La Salette, ‘Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist.’”

Pray tell, how crazy is that statement? It seems some people will go to great lengths to “save” their false pope as a real pope even if it means going against all the Church has taught on the Papacy and even against common sense itself! Let’s examine the TIA statement in detail. First, they start off with admitting they don’t think the Chair of Peter is vacant. No surprise there. TIA believes that all the so-called “popes” since 1958 are true popes including Bergoglio.

Second, they think the Chair of Peter has been usurped by “Progressivism.” Progressivism is a very generic term meaning to constantly increase reforms or policies, and in this sense used in this context progressive changes to the Catholic Faith. That is not what Pope Saint Pius X called it. He called it “Modernism,” which is much worse for it represents and infiltration of the Church for the purpose of perverting it and causing a revolution to destroy the Catholic Faith completely.

Now here comes the bombshell! Bergoglio is not an anti-pope but he may be the Antichrist! As Protestant Pastor Paul Begley would say, “Are you serious?” If Bergoglio is the pope that would mean he is the “Vicar of Christ.” A vicar is one who stands in for someone. In this case, the Vicar of Christ stands in for Christ, doing and saying what Christ would say and do if He were here. That this “Vicar of Christ” may be the Anti-Christ is absolutely absurd and totally contradictory. It means Bergoglio can be both the “Vicar of Christ” and at the same time be the Anti-Christ. The Vicar of Christ is FOR CHRIST and the ANTI (means against) CHRIST obviously means he would be against Christ. Now judging from what he has done in the last almost 10 years which do you think he really is? The man has uttered more heresies and blasphemies than anyone in that office ever has and TIA thinks he’s the “pope” but may be the Anti-Christ too? No one should have to comment on this. IT IS STUPID!

As far as the quote of Our Lady of La Salette, Rome has lost the faith due to the Masonic takeover of the Church during the Conclave of 1958 and due to the “wicked council” (per the Fatima Secret), a council that has been called the 1789 revolution of the Church (1962-1965) as it was called by Masonic “cardinal” Suenens.

For some sanity on the subject of the Papacy and what has truly transpired in the last approximately 65 years see these resources below:

1. See our “Five Star Expose’ Series: Vol. 1. Expose’ on Jorge Mario Bergoglio; Vol. 2. True Church Versus False Church; Vol. 3. 1958 Conclave: Masonic Takeover of the Catholic Church; Vol. 4. Vatican II: Creating An Antichrist World Church; and Vol. 5. The Falsification of Fatima.” In regard to the above TIA statement the Expose’ volumes 1 and 3 will be most helpful but all volumes give the true perspective what has happened to the Catholic Church.

2. Steven has done an excellent job on exposing what truly has been happening in what was once Catholic Church structures. He has explained the sede-vacantist position quite well and also exposed TIA’s absurd stance on especially the papacy, etc.

3. What Catholics Believe based in Ohio has done an excellent analysis of various aspects of what is happening in the Church today, especially the blasphemous heresies and one world religion plans of Bergoglio. If you want to know about Modernism check out an excellent series of videos on Modernism: “The Anti-Faith for the Anti-Religion for the Antichrist (Pascendi #1)”; Disfiguring the Catholic Church (Pascendi #2)”; “Change is the Dogma of Modernism (Pascendi #3)”; and “The Frankenchurch of Francis (Pascendi #4)” by Father William Jenkins of the Society of Pius V. This was a study of the Encyclical, “Pascendi Dominici Gregis” of Saint Pope Pius X given September 8, 1907 on the doctrines of the Modernists. We made research notes on these videos and these are presented in an appendix in our Expose’ Vol. 2. “True Church Versus False Church.”

4. This name is what the site is: a watch on all the novus ordo sect’s modernist activities. They do an excellent job of analyzing these and even the false statements of the “recognize and resist” semi-traditionalists in the light of true Catholic teachings especially on papal matters. They cover a wide range of topics from sedevacantism to the false popes and more.

5. This site explains very well the Siri facts concerning the 1958 Conclave and the resulting consequences since then.

Note: There are other good resources on the above topics which can be found on our “links” page at our website: