by | Aug 23, 2021 | Anti-Christ, The End Times
The purpose for all the interfaith meetings, synods, prayer gatherings, and dialogue between the Masonic – controlled Vatican hierarchy and the various heretical sects noted above as well as with traditional Catholic groups, etc.. is to set up a world church,... by | Aug 23, 2021 | Anti-Christ, The End Times
“The Supreme Grand Master of Satan and the Grand Masters under him have kept secret meetings at various cities across the world and underground in the Hub. There are two major hubs or points (plus other minor ones) of world control. The one is in Wilmette,... by | Aug 23, 2021 | Anti-Christ, Media, The End Times
Maitreya has made several appearances around the world every year since June of 1988 when he appeared “out of nowhere” at a cleverly staged event with Mary Ikatsu in Kenya, Africa before a crowd of 6,000 plus the media (including CNN – TV). At many of his...
by | Aug 20, 2021 | 2021 Archives
The end of this corrupt civilization is close at hand. Our Lady of La Salette warned us the Church would be eclipse and the world in dismay. Well, take a look around – we’re there! The Earth is experiencing unprecedented floods, storms, seismic activity,...
by | Jun 28, 2021 | 3 Days Darkness, The End Times
By examining the prophecies of the Three Days of Darkness, we can begin to understand what happens and what conditions will be like during this period. Also we are able to see from the descriptions of these Three Days of Darkness that the Comet of the Chastisement...