by | Jun 25, 2021 | 2015 Archives, Church & Culture, Culture
Cultural Corruption and the Coming Chastisement It is generally understood by Marian-minded Catholics and even by Christians in general, that there is a cause and effect that that works throughout all of creation. There is a cause and effect principle that works in...
by | Jun 25, 2021 | Church & Culture, Culture
“It is virtue that generates true courtesy.” – Fenelon, Catholic Manual of Civility. “Civility and urbanity in customs strongly predispose minds to attain wisdom and follow the light of truth.” – Pope Leo XIII. “In the social...
by | Jun 25, 2021 | Church & Culture, Culture
To keep the body in its proper place, which is second to the soul. To protect the body from the cupidity of others. To meet the standards of beauty and elegance. 2015 UPDATE: Today the grungy dress-down society has gotten much worse. It is a sad state of affairs...