There is in place at the current time a very diabolical plan to systematically reduce the world’s population so that the New World Order’s utopia can be established. The idea originated with Illuminati and employs population control measures to (1.) limit the size of...

Geoengineering, HAARP and Chemtrails:

The Ultimate Weapon of the Globalists and What you Can Do About It Before he was assassinated, JFK affirmed in a famous speech that “we are opposed, around the world, by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy”.  Years earlier former FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover...

INCREASING EARTH CHANGES: Interesting Facts and Figures

Introduction. There has been an especially dramatic rise in both the frequency and intensity of Earth changes within the past few years. As of late 2013 and early 2014 very strange things are happening all across the planet. What was once unheard of or considered...