Earth changes are becoming more and more alarming as extreme weather becomes even more extreme. Most areas of the Earth are warming with the permafrost of the Arctic melting in an unprecedented manner. While the overall temperatures of the Earth are warming, there are areas such as northeastern North America, Europe and the Middle East that have been much colder than normal. This is chiefly confined to these areas and is the work of geoengineering programs. This has led to speculation of a coming “mini ice age.” Even some alternative media sources have jumped on the “mini ice age” bandwagon. The real driving force behind climate change and Earth changes is of cosmic origin as we will see is this report. The Powers-That-Be want to keep the cosmic origins of this climate change and Earth changes from us and instead feed us the “mini ice age” hoax they want us to believe.
The fact is as the Brown Dwarf/Planet X system comes closer {it is now coming nearer, some sources say near, possibly just within the orbit of Saturn), it is exerting a greater magnetic and gravitational affect on the Earth. This has given rise to a dramatic increase in extreme weather, seismic activity, volcanism, fireballs, landslides, sinkholes, and other Earth shifts and ground motions.
The Powers-That-Be want to keep the public ignorant of what is coming so they are doing a major weather control geoengineering program to alter the Earth changes taking place; to mask and obscure what is truly happening to our planet. The mainstream media gives alternate and phony reasons as to why these Earth changes and extreme weather are taking place. This is one of the major reasons for geoengineering. For more on this see: Transition of the Ages: Earth Changes and Climate Change. Beyond this the Powers-That-Be simply alter, fudge or delete data on Earth Changes so as not to alarm the public.
Stan Deyo of Millennium Ark News has reported that the USGS (United States Geological Survey) is muzzling scientists on earthquake data. Some quakes are not reported and others are downgraded in magnitude to keep statistics “normal.”
Furthermore, “Statistics compiled from the Berkley database for all quakes between magnitude 6.0 and 9.5 during the four year period encompassing 2005-2007 show quakes increasing from a total of 150 in 2005 to a total of 196 for 2007, but this is scarcely enough to account for the death and destruction portrayed in the USGS chart on death and destruction. Why the difference? Did quakes suddenly decide to strike cities only in recent years? It’s clear the USGS is lying about the number of quakes and their magnitude. This trend was noted years ago, in 2003, when the quake increase was to be suppressed as part of the cover-up over the arrival of Planet X. This was documented on January 8, 2003 when differences between live helicorders and live seismographs were noted, and July 1, 2003 in the USGS quirky explanation for why live seismographs were shaking worldwide, and July 4, 2003 with an analysis of the reported and apparent Richter, and August 16, 2003 with data showing the Richter is radically unreported, and September 2, 2003 where the primary quake in China was dropped while the aftershocks were retained, and September 9, 2003 where both quakes in China and Greece were reported in the news but dropped from the USGS quake database entirely, and Nov. 17, 2003 where a series of four quakes on a single day were all registered as a 7.9 to avoid moving to a magnitude 8.0, for statistical purposes, and June 6, 2004 where complete control by the USGS over other quake reporting databases is shown.”
[Author’s Note: Normally we do not put much stock in what Zeta Talk says, but the above information has been confirmed through other trusted sources such as Stan Deyo, Tom Lupshu, the Higher Truth Channel, the Earth Shiftx website and others. ]
Stan Deyo reports that the North Pole region is melting while the South Pole region is gaining ice. Stan says this is due to a transfer of energy from the South Pole to the North Pole. Both magnetic poles (North and South) have dipoles – two poles instead of one.
Dan Wigington of has stated, however that the super-heating of the Arctic is due to the HAARP station at Gakona, Alaska. Wigington says the Arctic is heating up six times faster than the rest of the planet. He further predicted that the summer of 2014 would see less chemtrailing because they will be concentrating on chemtrailing the “runaway” warming of the Arctic. This did occur as he said it would. We witnessed less chemtrailing here in Wisconsin in the summer of 2014 than in previous years.
This of course, brings us to why this overall heating is occurring especially in the Arctic. Stan Deyo is saying it’s due to an expanding Earth but he has not stated (to our knowledge) why this is. Also, in reference to the heating of the Arctic, Deyo says it’s due to a transfer of energy from south to north. Again, the reason for this is not given. On the other hand, Wigington is saying the global warming trend, climate change and the super-heating of the Arctic is due to geoengineering. While we can agree that geoengineering is definitely a factor in all of this, it is being used by the New World Order weather controllers to mask the real cause, obscuring the true cause from public scrutiny.
Global heating, climate changes, extreme weather, seismic activity, and volcanism are all increasing as is the heating of the oceans to record high temperatures. Undersea earthquakes and volcanoes are indications that hot magma is pushing up from the inner chambers of the Earth. All the foregoing is related to the current magnetic pole migration (ever increasing) to Earth wobble and a weakening magnetosphere. What is currently happening to our Earth, which we call Earth changes, has a threefold cause. One we have already mentioned: geoengineering, but this is minor and localized as compared to the other two causes: A galactic superwave and the incoming Brown Dwarf/Planet X system. Both of these are affecting us now.
As to the galactic superwave: There is now an ongoing cosmic ray particle barrage coming from the center of our Milky Way Galaxy, some 23,000 light years away. This superwave and barrage of cosmic particles is adding more energy to the inner Earth heating process forcing hot magma into volcanic chambers. This heating process is in turn super-heating our oceans causing profound changes in the chemical ph and temperatures leading to an unprecedented number of Mass animal deaths due to hypoxia. This is also bringing about unprecedented mass migrations in sea life.
Internet reports from various independent scientific sources indicate this same phenomenon ( a super-heating of the inner planetary cores or inner regions) is happening on all planets of our solar system. The Brown Dwarf/Planet X system is adding to this heating process as it makes its way into our solar system.
The incoming Brown Dwarf/Planet X system is itself affected by this galactic cosmic ray superwave, pushing it along towards our region of space. So these two major cosmic factors (the Galactic Superwave and the Brown Dwarf/Planet X system) are both contributing a great amount of energy and thus a super-heating to all the planets of our solar system, causing unprecedented Earth changes which are now increasing dramatically.
These are the End Time signs caused by the above three factors (the Galactic Superwave, the Brown Dwarf/Planet X system, and geoengineering) and are happening all over the globe. However, the New World Order Elite are doing their best to keep the masses from connecting the dots. They do not want them seeing the whole picture. As noted before the Elite have in place a major campaign to obfuscate, distort or otherwise falsify the truth of what is really happening to our planet. They do this to frustrate any attempt to comprehend and get a clear picture what is now currently taking place. The situation on our planet is becoming ever so critical as these End Times Signs increase.
Some of the current ongoing End Times Signs are as follows:
- Red Sunsets. This phenomenon has been reported by Tom Lupshu’s YouTube channel. While not real significant as of yet – this is the beginning of the signaling of the approach of the Brown Dwarf/Planet X system.
- Ground Motion – Earthquakes, landslides, sinkholes, expansion cracks and other associated ground motions are definitely on the increase worldwide. Earthquakes are happening at an accelerating rate with more undersea quakes being reported including those along the Atlantic Ridge. There has been a dramatic rise in earthquakes in the New Madrid fault zone.
- Volcanism. Volcanic activity is very much on the rise but is purposely being under-reported. For example, the Monsanto funded World Organization of Volcano Observatories (VOVO) reported for the week starting February 4, 2015 only 18 new/ongoing volcanoes. Whereas the independent (non-government, non-corporate) Volcano Discovery website reported for the same week 30 red aviation code active volcanoes worldwide.
- Meteors. The yearly trend has been that the fireball (meteor) rate has gone up especially towards the end of the last decade (about 2009-2010). Since then the fireball rate has increased each year by 50% over the previous year until 2014 at which time the rate slowed. The rate for 2014 was only 5% over 2013. However, the fireball observation rate from multi-state observations is growing faster than the yearly fireball rate. This is indicating that the fireballs are increasing in size and mass, sufficient enough to be seen by witnesses in multiple states and provinces.
- Rapid Increase in Fog. Tom Lupshu reports that “Never before have we seen the amount of fog in our local areas, and globally there has been an increase in rains and flooding.” The Higher Truth channel reports that there is a 90% coverage of the Earth with a moisture laden haze. The cause of the increase in global moisture is due to the record and unprecedented increase in ocean temperatures. The increase in global ocean temperatures is in turn due to the heating of the Earth’s core (actually its inner sun) by the incoming galactic cosmic particle wave. The Brown Dwarf/Planet X system is also contributing heat to this super-heating process.
- Human Behavioral Changes. The Earthshiftx website reports more people are talking to themselves as well as slurred speech in those that report the news. People appear to be more on edge than before and there is more reports of people feeling dizzy. In past history a change in human behavior has always signaled the close approach of a large comet-like object.
- Stars Out of Place. Groups of stars are being seen in a part of the sky where they have never been seen before. The Inuit Elders as well as the Eskimos report that in the Arctic the stars have changed positions from previous years. The Sun no longer rises or sets in the same place as it once did. The strong wind from the North is no longer prevalent as it once was with now there being more of a southern wind. East winds are much more dominate now bringing in stormy weather. East winds never were dominate like they are now, the Eskimo Elders report. The moon is also not in the same place as in previous years. (This we have noted ourselves). All this is indicating Earth wobble and the early stages of a geophysical pole shift.
- 2015 –the Year of Major Changes. Starting in mid-year, according to the Earthshiftx website, there will be the start of major changes. So far this year and last, we have seen severe flooding in areas where it never floods. These places such as Africa and Gaza, have had loss of life and property with one area reporting 200,000 people losing their homes. We have seen split jet streams and an extremely active weather pattern. Goeengineering does play a role in some of this weather, manipulating specific weather fronts. The overall cause is as we have described in the foregoing points. Furthermore as to what to possibly expect, a good reliable source told Tom Lupshu on October 31, 2014 that a trajectory of an asteroid was known to be coming in between Venezuela and Brazil but out in open ocean. This would be an impact event that would affect the surrounding coastal areas including the Gulf and East coasts of the United States.
- Sever Magnetic Compression. The magnetosphere is being barraged by the incoming cosmic ray particle superwave as well as plasma discharges and flares from the Sun. This severely compresses the Earth’s magnetosphere on the sunward side. Comets and meteors associated with the incoming Brown Dwarf/Planet X system are increasingly affecting the Sun. These have included several groups of comets, some of which are sungrazers and others have actually struck the Sun. There has also been reported several planet-like objects sighted inear the Sun. There of course is also The Two Sun Phenomenon reported on in our Planet X webpage and in our Two Sun videos. The magnetosphere has weakened 200% with the magnetic North Pole shifting 10 degrees to the right.
- Doomsday Preparations. The bankers of Frankfurt, Germany have had constructed for themselves a bunker sanctuary. It is only for them, not open to the public. They have had another for the construction workers who built it for them in an effort to keep their underground sanctuary secret. The Elite CEOs are buying up properties in remote areas of the world away from the coastlines. Tom Lupshu reports that he has been informed by a friend in the know who told him that a major corporation has received orders from FEMA for a very large number of portable disaster morgues for shipment to four states in the New Madrid fault zone. These portable disaster morgues are to be sent to the western parts of Missouri and Arkansas and to the eastern parts of Kentucky and Tennessee.
For Further Information:
- Planet X Signs –
- Video: Doomsday 2020 Arctic Methane Happening Now –