Research Notes on four videos: “The Anti-Faith For the Anti-Religion For the Antichrist (Pascendi #1),” “Disfiguring the Catholic Church (Pascendi #2),” “Change is the Dogma of Modernism (Pascendi #3),” “The Frankenchurch of Francis (Pascendi #4)” by Father William Jenkins of the Society of Pius V. This was a study of the Encyclical, “Pascendi Dominici Gregis” of Saint Pope Pius X given September 8, 1907 on the doctrines of the Modernists.
This author has viewed these four videos twice each and the second time took notes which are detailed below. He also read the entire encyclical and has studied what Modernism has done within the structures of the Church in the last few decades and has experienced its effects; has lived through the corruption caused by the Modernists as well as studied in-depth the conspiracy of the Modernists to take over the Catholic Church and destroy it from within. The research notes on this encyclical follow.
The opening paragraph says the following:
“The office divinely committed to Us of feeding the Lord’s flock has especially this duty assigned to it by Christ, namely, to guard with the greatest vigilance the deposit of the faith delivered to the saints, rejecting the profane novelties of words and oppositions of knowledge falsely so called. There has never been a time when this watchfulness of the supreme pastor was not necessary to the Catholic body; for, owing to the efforts of the enemy of the human race, there have never been lacking ‘men speaking perverse things’ (Acts xx. 30). ‘vain talkers and seducers’ (Tit. i 10), ‘erring and driving into error (2 Tim. iii 13). Still it must be confessed that the number of the enemies of the cross of Christ has in these last days increased exceedingly, who are striving, by arts, entirely new and full of subtlety, to destroy the vital energy of the Church, and, if they can, to overthrow utterly Christ’s kingdom itself. Wherefore We may no longer be silent, lest We should seem to fail in Our most sacred duty, and lest the kindness that, in the hope of wiser counsels, We have hitherto shown them, should be attributed to forgetfulness of Our office.” [Pope Pius X, Encyclical Pascendi… Emphasis – author’s.]
What post-conciliar “pope” has ever spoken that way with the conviction of his office in safeguarding the deposit of the Faith. None!
Pope Pius X said that the Modernists are the worst threat ever in the history of the Church and are the most pernicious. They are the most pernicious of all enemies. Modernists are internal enemies which feign they are the “authority” in the Church. They attack the very foundation of the faith, inject their poison to the very root of the foundation of the faith. They change the very meaning of the word, faith. They destroy all virtue, all doctrine and beliefs. They play the role of a double agent. They espouse and equate rationalism with Catholicism, both contradictory concepts.
The chief characteristics of the Modernists are a brazen audacity and boldness. They act pious and sanctimonious falsely; feign humility and espouse poverty, etc. They deliberately attack the deposit of faith, sacred tradition and doctrines of the Church. They are prideful and obstinate. In fact two characteristics which drive them is their enormous pride they have in themselves as well as a dangerous curiosity of the unknown. Saint Pope Pius X specifically refers to these two points in his paragraph 40 under “The Cause of Modernism.”
Furthermore, the Modernists reject the repentance from sin.
The Modernists present their ideas and doctrines in a disordered, random and confused way. This is by design making it appear they haven’t yet made up their minds while all the time being very sure of themselves and determined in their goal of destroying the Church from within. Modernists contain within themselves multiple personalities (a personality disorder). Modernists have a very convoluted way of thinking but a single-mindedness in reaching their goal of building an Antichrist church within the existing structures of the Catholic Church.
Saint Pope Pius X proceeds in an orderly manner to expose the thinking of the Modernists, analyzing their teachings, explaining the dangers and giving remedies to the hierarchy of the Church as to what should be done. He says, “…Every Modernist sustains and comprises within himself many personalities; he is philosopher, a believer, a theologian, and historian, a critic, and apologist, a reformer.” This he says must be known and understood “…by all who would accurately know their system and thoroughly comprehend the principles and the consequences of their doctrines.” [Paragraph 5 under “Analysis of Modernist Teaching.”
Pope Pius X analyzes the philosophical foundation as it is found in agnosticism. (Modernism is essentially agnostic in belief and application). It has a agnostic philosophical foundation. Agnosticism is grounded in phenomenalism which teaches that God can’t be known through reason, science (the created world), or history. This Modernist concept was condemned by the First Vatican Council under Pope Pius IX.
Modernism teaches we can only know God through personal experience via religious sentiment. The Modernist principle is that both science and history must be atheistic – to deny God’s existence. That is referred to as the “negative” side of the principle. The positive side of Modernism is called vital eminence to explain religion, church, God, etc. Modernists don’t believe in revelation in the Catholic sense but give to the word a completely different meaning as coming from within the person through religious faith experience. This vital eminence which gives rise to a faith experience comes from a need for the divine. It has to do with a movement of the heart or sentiment; a need for something beyond himself.
In other words, the Modernist thinking is that man must deny the reason of the intellect which tells him that God is knowable through reason, science and history and of course revelation, etc., but instead of using his intellect (which should guide him in matters of faith), the Modernist denies the use of the intellect and using heart sentiment, the faith experience from within himself to determine who God is. Through the faith experience, done in this way, he experiences the divine as it comes to him through his consciousness. This is the divine and religious sentiment or the faith experience. (We know this is a rather difficult and convoluted process of thinking to understand by the average person but, we point out, this is exactly the thinking of the Modernist. Bear with us and it will all come out in the end).
Experiencing the divine within their religious experience (not by use of reason, not using the intellectual mind) science and history are limited by external phenomena and the internal conscious mind. The need to know beyond the limitations of science and history into the unknowable; to experience the unknowable divine is what Modernists call faith and revelation. To them faith is experiencing the divine – his own personal “truth” – his faith experience. This is why when John Paul II talks of “faith experience” this is what he is talking about, a purely Modernist concept. When you hear the post-conciliar “popes” and Modernist cardinals, bishops and priests speak of “faith” and “revelation” they don’t mean what we traditional Catholics think of but a faith experience that “contacts” the divine and this then is the so-called “revelation” of the Modernist. The Modernists have completely redefined the meanings of such words as “faith” and “revelation.” This is a totally heretical concept. In fact, in this encyclical Pope Pius X refers to this Modernist teaching as the synthesis of all heresies which means collectively it is apostasy, a falling away from the faith which is so prevalent today in the Novus Ordo sect masquerading as “catholic.”
This Modernist teaching is intended by them to have more authority than the true teachings of the Church. The foregoing is the Modernists way of explaining religions and religious experience and even Jesus Christ Himself. Experiencing the divine is a process whereby “faith” is an experience of phenomena that just sort of “bubbles” up within human consciousness. At this point the human person finally gets to use his intellect to transfigure or transform his religious experience of the divine – a sort of metamorphosis. Then the mind disfigures what has been transfigured – the questions is then, what happens to faith?
As strange as this may seem, these are the Modernist principles: first, the mind transfigures the faith experience: then second, the mind disfigures it. For example, the mind has a faith experience concerning religion of some sort maybe concerning Christ. The mind transfigures it to try to understand what it is. He then disfigures it, in other words, through using agnostic phenomenalism, science and history find nothing in Christ that is not human. The Modernists are not speaking of true science and true history but agnostic phenomenalist science and history. You see, the Modernists differentiate between the Christ of history and the Christ of faith. The Christ of faith (as encountered in his faith experience) is considered true. The historical Christ is disregarded.
That is why the Modernist regards the historical Jesus Christ just an exceptional man who was the leader of Christianity the same as Moses in his day, Zoroaster, Buddha, or any other great religious leader. [It should be noted that is why the modern New Age movement speaks of “Christ” being within or of a Christ “consciousness.” This is the New Age “Cosmic Christ” – the “Christ” of agnosticism.]
Furthermore, this is why Modernists consider all religions true for each faith believer who has his own personal faith experience – that is his “truth.” Whether he is a Hindu, a Muslim, a Jew, a Protestant or a Catholic doesn’t matter. All have true religious so-called faith experiences regardless of their beliefs for this is their “truth.” Thus we see now the convergence of religions forming a one world pantheistic religion thanks to the Modernist Vatican II Council.
The Modernists say that Christ’s disciples disfigured Christ by calling him the “Son of God.” That is why the Modernists consider the Catholic Christian religion only one of several ways of salvation; though the Catholic religion may be more perfect than other religions, nevertheless all religions have some truth even though in a less perfect way and thus are also means of salvation. This is what the documents of Vatican II teach. This is Modernism, the very heretical teaching that Pope Pius X warned us about in this encyclical.
Now as to where dogma comes from according to the Modernist mind ; dogma comes from the two step process of transfiguring and disfiguring or if you will, the interpreting of the faith experience. This brings about what is called the evolution of dogma. The religious faith experience is interpreted two or three times. The intellect thus transforms the faith experience, analyzing it and expressing it in words to formulate it into a statement. Two things: first the faith experience is expressed in a sentiment of the heart; it is then interpreted and elaborated on in a faith statement and this then, becomes “dogma.”
The faith experience and hence the dogma that comes from it can change or evolve. This is called a living faith by the Modernist. These experiences and expressions (or interpretations) evolve. These faith experiences constantly evolve and change and are “living.” If they remain static and don’t change they will die. Anything that is “rigid” dies. They become false and obsolete. That is why traditional Catholics who hold to the old Catholic Faith and refuse to accept change, refuse to evolve, are considered “too rigid’ and belong to a “dead” religion. This is how the Modernists regard the true Catholic religion. The Modernist dogma is change.
All this faith experience comes from within and must change or evolve to remain a “living” faith, a living religion, otherwise it dies. So all faith and religion, no matter which kind, is a matter of feeling and comes from within. This is what all Modernists believe, and yes, what all post-conciliar “popes believe (or believed). This is what the Modernist Vatican II Council documents taught. Thus, dogmas, so called, are only temporary and symbolic only.
Such Modernists Pope Pius X says are blind but are at the same time full of vanity and audacity. All belief of the Modernist is based on an internal faith experience of the divine – in other words, the experience learned through the intuition of the heart and not by objective truths of God’s revelation, true science or history learned by the intellect.
Pope Pius X says this Modernist thinking opens the way to atheism and that all religions are so-called “real.” Thus all false religions are equated on the same level as the true religion.
According to the Modernist, faith, worship and government have to change in order to save the Church, that is, the life of the Church. Thus the traditions of the Church have to change. Though the Modernist sees himself as a great reformer of the Church, thinking he is saving the Church in this way he actually destroying it, that is, it is the true Catholic Church he is destroying.
In order for the Church to be living, it must be evolving. If it is evolving, it is living and if it is living it is a true religion. If it is too “rigid” and does not evolve, it is not living and therefore not a true religion. This is the Modernist idea of Church and what it should be.
The faith believer needs to express his faith experience and then he needs to communicate this faith experience to others. For this he needs a society, a church. This is thought of by the Modernist as a “collective consciousness” where Modernist doctrine and worship are the adhesive elements of that society or church authority. In this type of Modernist society or church, authority does not come from God. Instead it is from vital eminence from the “collective consciousness” of that society or church, in other words, the people. That’s why the church congregations in the modern Novus Ordo sect are called “the people of God.”
So authority instead of coming from God down through the Apostles, the popes and the hierarchy as in the true Catholic Church, comes from the “people of God” in a democratic way. Instead of authority coming downward from God, it comes upward from the democracy of the “people of God.”
This is now in full practice in the Modernist Novus Ordo sect of today as seen in the Amazon Synod. “Pope” Francis has called for a church that “listens.” What this means in regard to indigenous people of the Amazon, and eventually for the whole Novus Ordo sect, is that the bishops must listen to the “people of God” about their faith experiences. This then is interpreted and discerned by them into a formulated statement which is then passed on to the pope. The pope then takes this discernment of the bishops in their statement and analyzes it and this then becomes dogma and “magisterium” as per the explanation of Pope Pius X on Modernism.
What Pope Pius X expresses in his encyclical Pascendi is exactly what Francis is saying the church should be. This is what a synodal church is and it is what Francis is now bringing about before everyone’s eyes. This is the Modernist synodal church, a church that “listens.” All this was condemned by Pope Pius X in this encyclical.
So to recap – it is a simple three step process: first, the bishops listen to the people’s faith experience; second, the bishops discern what the people’s faith experience is and formulate a statement to be passed to the pope; and third, the pope takes this formulated statement and analyzes it and it thus becomes “dogma” or the “magisterium” of the “church.”
This synodal church of Francis is totally Modernist and upside-down.It contradicts the true monarchial government of the Catholic Church. This synodal church originated with Paul VI and Francis is putting this synodal church into effect. This affects the church in triple ways: in its disciplines, in its dogmas, and in its liturgy. The old Catholic concept of the papacy and hence the Church in these three important and all encompassing areas of faith is considered obsolete according to the Modernists. That includes all the Modernists now running the Novus Ordo sect (Francis and his Modernist cardinals and bishops, etc.). Remember, the authority to do this comes from the consciousness of the “people of God” not from God and Francis is the one who enforces this modernist concept.
Beyond this, the practice of the faith, according to the Modernists, is to be controlled by the civil government or the state for the sake of public order. There is to be seperation of church and state with the state controlling the church. Ecclesiastical authority is to be subordinate to the consciousness of the people. Religious authority must strip itself of all external pomp and glory to become a “poor” church.
In a “living” church everything is subject to change and must change so say the Modernists. Dogmas, doctrines and even liturgies must change or the church dies. The Modernists say the chief attribute of the church is accommodating and harmonizing with the culture of the people. This involves religious evolution and inculturization.
The Supreme Pontiff is the final interpreter of the faith experience who finalizes it and implements it. He must be believed and obeyed by all. Francis has said we need a new road to the papacy. He has essentially taken the authority hierarchial structure of the church and turned it upside-down.
According to what Saint Pope Pius X has exposed on Modernism this diabolical movement leads to two important destructive heresies in the new Modernist church: one is the denial of the True God (atheism), and the other is the elevating of man to godhood (pantheism).
Father William Jenkins in his last video presentation of the Pascendi series, refers to a portrait of Paul VI that he had done of himself which shows St. Peter’s dome collapsing in on itself. Paul VI is shown in a demonic form holding a dagger pointing straight down dripping with blood. Paul VI’s comment on this portrait is that it is an accurate depiction of the Church today. This portrait is absolutely hideous and diabolical looking.
There is no wonder why Pope Pius X called Modernism “the synthesis of all heresies.” It also should be no wonder why Pope Pius X’s Oath Against Modernism was discontinued by the conciliar church.
A cardinal had complimented Pope Pius X on his work to rid the Church of Modernists but Pius X replied that he only suppressed them and drove them “underground.” He said they would return in 50 years or so. That was 1907. In 1958 the Freemasons formally and most assuredly took over the papacy in that year and then through the Vatican II Council which Fatima called the “wicked council” launched their revolution to destroy the Church. This now is nearing completion with Jorge Bergoglio preparing for the “Man of Sin” to arrive on the scene.
So before ending this article we would like to cite one more thing: an article written by Bishop Donald Sanborn which illustrates the Modernist heresies now taking place in the Novus Ordo sect that is now occupying the Vatican. The particular heresy cited is the evolution of dogma that was condemned by Pope Pius X in his Pascendi encyclical. Bishop Sanborn says:
“Whereas during the ‘reigns’ of John Paul II and Benedict XVI there was a certain hesitation about going too far in their heretical pronouncements and practices – although there were some blatant cases of heterodoxy and heteropraxis (actions which bespeak heresy) – we have seen in the ‘reign’ of Francis a new boldness. Francis, for example, has recently denied the divinity of Christ and Transubstantiation (He said” ‘Christ becomes the bread.’). Earlier he had denied the existence of hell, saying that bad souls are merely annihilated at death, has denied the unity of God (calling the single divine essence merely ‘God Spray’), has called the Church’s mission to preach the gospel ‘solemn nonsense,’ has stated that atheists can go to Heaven, said that sometimes God wants you to commit adultery ‘in order to keep the family together,’ and has taught that those who live in adultery can approach Holy Communion. These are merely some of his outrageous statements. Add to this the introduction of the Pachamama idolatry into the Vatican.
“Recently, in the context of the idolatrous worship, the Vatican website produced an article which explicitly teaches the heresy of evolution of dogma, condemned by Pius X. Read this from the Vatican News ( website:
‘It is necessary to understand when a development of doctrine is faithful to tradition. The history of the Church teaches us that it is necessary to follow the Spirit, rather than the strict leter. In fact, if one is looking for a non-contradiction between texts and documents, they’re likely to hit a roadblock. The point of reference is not a written text, but the people who walk together.” [Emphasis added.]
So there you have it, this “church” of “walking together,” this so-called “church” of “accompaniment” is a Frankenchurch of Francis. That is it is a “church” of evolving dogma, the very thing that Saint Pope Pius the X condemned in his enclyclical, Pascendi. Isn’t it about time you woke up to the fact that the Novus Ordo sect is not the Catholic Church but a counter-feit church masquerading as the Catholic Church. Also that your “pope” Francis is a heretic, an apostate and now an idolater. Oh, you say he’s a pope because he hasn’t been declared a non-pope? You say that’s Church teaching. Well it is not Church teaching. True Church teaching on this is given by several doctors of the Church: St. Robert Bellermine (specialist in papal matters), St. Alphonsus Ligouri, and St. Francis de Sales. It is also been noted by several theologians including St. Antonius as well as several Popes including Pope Paul IV, Pius XII and others. Also the Catholic Encyclopedia and the 1917 Code of Canon Law make this quite clear. So do Pope Pius IX and the Vatican I Council.
For further information see: “Is the Novus Ordo Church the Catholic Church?”; “On The Falseness of Francis,” “Bergoglio and the End of an Age” at this link: