by | Aug 23, 2021 | Planet X
Revealing The Truth About the Two Sun Phenomenon Since 1956 the television panel game show “To Tell The Truth” aired in various forms on the network and in syndication. It was hosted by game show host, Gary Moore. There were three panel contestants who were...
by | Aug 23, 2021 | Planet X
The world is sinking ever deeper into moral perversity and chaos. This moral impurity and corruption is leading directly to the decadence of society and the eventual collapse of civilization as we know it. At such a point in history that we are now at, the Creator...
by | Aug 23, 2021 | Planet X
Too much of the Planet X news today is turning out to be sensationalist. More emphasis is being put on “When is Planet X arriving?” and not on the true science that shows the real truth of it. Dates have been given: May 15, 2003, December 21, 2012, then August for...
by | Aug 23, 2021 | Planet X, Uncategorized
Earth wobble has increased tremendously indicating a pole shift event is imminent. Celestial warning signs coming this Autumn so prepare now as time is fast running out! There are those who put dates on the Planet X (Nemesis-Nibiru) system arrival. But the...
by | Aug 23, 2021 | Planet X
The seven years of tribulation and the Three Days of Darkness are now imminent courtesy of the arrival of the Nemesis-Nibiru system. We are now on the verge of something “BIG” happening as the Earth changes are becoming more and more strange and extreme. (See...